We've released the following updates (we highly recommend using the latest version):
v2.0.7 (changelog)
- Added a new set of fonts for use in localizations, as "extended font set 1."
- Added "bkg_ruinc_minimart_comics" as a localizable sprite, for the comics stand in the City of Old's mini-mart.
- Changed hitbox and movement of Asgore's spear to be more intuitive.
- Fixed consistency of the Bakers Half's item name.
- Fixed Spider HD's item use text being inaccessible.
- Fixed Sgt Splosion's introduction word text being non-localizable. (Note: This breaks compatibility with pre-v2.0.7 translation files, which will need a few lines added in order to upgrade to this version.)
- Fixed sprite bounding boxes for localizable sprites not being correctly set.
- Fixed a bug and a crash that occurred when localizing FIGHT / ACT button icons (for some variations of Muffet and Crossbones, specifically.)
- Fixed multiple sprites not being correctly localizable, or only partially working. This includes "spr_j_m11", "spr_syroseb_gossip", "spr_stark_grillbys_sign", and "spr_stars_yes_bunny_bubble".
v2.0.6 (changelog)
- Changed "Mettacrit" to "Mettalot."
- Changed mentions of "Ser Scratchalot" to "Ser Scratch."
- Changed Jeremy overworld sprites to an updated design.
- Changed dialogue that mistakenly called Alphys "commander" instead of "admiral."
- Changed Harry and Larry saying "ice cream" instead of "nice cream" in Evacuation Neutral.
- Changed "equip" button for C.Bones Patch to be selectable, but without a function, to address players accidentally dropping the item when attempting to view info.
- Added new sound effects for Papyrus: "flying" and "barking."
- Added a new scene after feeding Jeremy the Candy.
- Updated some names in the credits.
- Added many missing sprites to the list of localizable sprites.
- Updated each ACT in battle to draw separately, preventing spacing issues in certain languages.
- Font character X offsets can now have default values, as well as more concise syntax for ranges of characters.
- Translation files have been updated to include a few extra lines of text, including one that was erroneously missing previously. There are also a few modified lines of text, along with many lines updated due to character name changes.
- Fixed one Cowboy Hat sprite missing its C.Bones Patch variant.
- Fixed an NPC animation playing when it shouldn't.
- Fixed the save slot menu sometimes displaying the wrong room name.
- Fixed battle warning flashes not affected by low VFX setting.
- Fixed incorrect dialogue order at the end of Ruined Home in the Ruthless route.
- Fixed some Papyrus hitbox issues.
- Fixed incorrect text in Late Evacuation Neutral route.
- Fixed slight continuity errors with aborting Ruthless onto Evacuation Neutral, with changes to how the game checks for route flags.
- Fixed being able to exceed the limits of Muffet shop donations.
- Fixed a softlock in the Crossbones Pretend battle.
- Fixed certain knowledge not persisting across resets.
- Fixed Sans's name not updating in the Journal after he says it.
- Fixed the low difficulty "hit cycle" mechanic not accounting for invincibility frames.
v2.0.5 (changelog)
- Added new sprites for jumping into lifts in Crystal Springs.
- Added an extension to a joke related to a certain bush.
- Added an anti-cheese to something very specific in a battle (not for any attack).
- Added extra lines of dialogue to a specific NPC in Koffin Keep, under certain conditions.
- Added new dialogue to another specific NPC in Koffin Keep, under other certain conditions.
- Added new text to a few SAVE points when backtracking, to make more sense.
- Added a missing line to an ACT at the end of a certain optional dog's battle.
- Changed crash logs to use a new filename, so as not to conflict with logs from other programs.
- Changed some minor behavior and visuals of the GameJolt integration.
- Localization tooling and systems further upgraded and finalized.
- Credits updated.
- Fixed a shake animation never ending for a very specific NPC.
- Fixed a sequence break when backtracking in a certain situation.
- Fixed some incorrect layer depths in the newspaper office in the City of Old.
- Fixed a missing shader support check for one specific object.
- Fixed multiple issues with two bush objects in Starlight Isles Evacuation routes.
- Fixed an accidental duplication exploit with the Torn Apron, due to incomplete logic.
- Fixed a certain character's death not getting tracked as a kill (this will apply retroactively).
- Fixed Beenard's journal description not properly updating in certain situations.
- Fixed logic for the Dogi on the beach in Starstruck Village, under certain conditions.
- Fixed grammar and correctness for multiple lines of dialogue.
- Fixed bullets disappearing in one specific attack too soon in a boss fight.
- Fixed a case where overworld fog would exist when it shouldn't, before and after a specific battle.
- Fixed a specific case where you could trigger more than one memory sequence in a single run.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing the game in a shop.
- Fixed an unintentional animation at the end of a boss fight, under certain conditions.
- Fixed a certain character duo appearing in a situation when they should not.
- Fixed a few issues related to usage of debug mode. Note that we do not officially guarantee support for debug mode.
- Fixed potential crashes related to music terminating in exactly the wrong way.
- Attempted fix of a potential sequence break in certain routes at the end of the demo.
- Removed an accidental ending to the boss fight of Koffin Keep.
v2.0.4 (changelog)
- Fixed Papyrus potentially freezing in an angry pose.
- Fixed the player sometimes vanishing from the game in an Evacuation and Ruthless cutscene version (and breaking the game.)
- Fixed a softlock caused by music being at 0% volume.
- Fixed a certain monitor displaying a rectangle incorrectly when Low VFX is enabled.
- Fixed a typo in Muffet's dialogue.
- Minor change to logic for a small interaction with Muffet.
v2.0.3 (changelog)
- GameJolt login screen improved to better handle keyboard input across platforms.
- Changed some words in the script that were found to be offensive in some regions.
- Fixed a scene that could push the player out of bounds.
- Fixed a softlock where Crossbones intersects with the player in a specific scenario.
v2.0.2 (changelog)
- Fixed an NPC's frames being reversed.
- Fixed bug where Toy Gun target could fail to destroy.
- Fixes to Muffet's reset scenes in Evacuation routes.
- Fixed Asgore visibly disappearing in one scene.
- Fixes damage being applied too many times per frame in the Ruthless & Evacuation Neutral final boss of Starlight Isles, and buffs those bullets.
- Attempted fix for random encounter step count getting far too high in certain situations.
- Fix for Running boots not getting added in a reset branch.
- Adds a fallback fix for players who have missed the Running Boots; it will now get added automatically while playing in Starlight Isles.
- Fix for Greater Dog being able to be spared at low HP.
v2.0.1 (changelog)
- Fixed two potential softlocks in Ruined Home.
We've released TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0, which adds the game's next major area: Starlight Isles!
It's available for free on Windows,
Linux, and
For more information (i.e. future release plans, support, and frequently asked questions), please visit the rest of this website.
- Added Starlight Isles, which consists of three sub-areas: Stardust Woods, Koffin Keep, and Starstruck Village.
- Added an introductory teaser section of Crystal Springs.
- Added two additional SAVE files, with a file select on the main menu.
- Added the ability to change the player's name upon a RESET.
- Added the ability to hold C/CTRL (by default) to access the Journal.
- Added Running Boots, which allow the player to run with X/SHIFT (by default.)
- Added a new cutscene in The City of Old for acquiring Running Boots (Demo v1.0 saves will have a Starlight Isles cutscene.)
- Added a maximum number of kills per room, with a SFX + VFX for exhausting the local kill count.
- Added controller/gamepad icons and overhauled gamepad support in general.
- Added difficulty setting to the extras menu, controlling how much damage bullets do.
- Various small additions and changes to Ruined Home.
- Fast travel doors have SFX and timer delays, akin to DELTARUNE.
- Made Mad Dummy chase bullets less likely to spawn on top of the player.
- Rebalanced Mad Dummy chase (change bullet spawn rate, decreased bullet speed, bullets no longer shoot during secondary "mini dummies" attack.)
- Made Asgore's final attack in Ruthless use scripted RNG to be less annoying.
- Made adjustments to Asgore's attacks and general balancing.
- Visual change to Mettacrit intro cutscene in Ruined Home.
- Several Mettacrit attacks visually adjusted.
- Connor has been removed from The City of Old.
- Modified most tree collisions in The City of Old to use slopes, instead of rectangles.
- Small changes to how the input system handles multiple presses at once.
- Overhauled the localization system (documentation will come at a later date.)
- Half of the internal code has basically been rewritten, but we don't talk about that.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug to avoid taking damage during Asgore's final attack in Ruthless by colliding with the inactive spear.
- Fixed bug where Mad Dummy's chase bullets would instantly destroy themselves offscreen in a certain position.
- Fixed a number of issues caused by sounds not playing properly.
- A certain NPC now properly detects skipping lines of dialogue... after being fixed twice already.
... WHEW!
It's definitely been a long time coming since our Demo v1.0 release back in December 2020, but we made it here!!
Thank you so much for your patience, kind words, and for sticking around with us all this time.
If you encounter any problems, please visit our support page for a list of known issues and solutions -- and to submit a bug report if necessary.
Currently, Demo v2.0 only supports English. We're working on official localizations for Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and Dutch -- we'll make sure to share more details once we have them!
That's all for now. Have fun with Starlight Isles!!!
- Beethovenus and Team Switched